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Through church, or family, or school, or otherwise, there must be a unifying moral code, some rules of the game of life ... giving to conduct some order and regularity, some direction and stimulus.


Looking for an ethical, profitable home business?
Check this opportunity.

    Kangen™ Water Distributorship:

Drink yourself healthy with “Medical Grade”


  • Highly Alkaline (Rids your body of toxins and acidic waste)
  • Strong Anti-Oxidant (Up to 10 times stronger than Green Tea)
  • Micro-Clustered (Hydrates your body at the cellular level)

I have personally suffered from two medically diagnosed conditions that resulted in extreme fatigue and low energy levels. I have made tremendous progress since I am drinking Kangen water. This is the best I have felt and operated in many, many years!

The people I am giving water to are also experiencing improvements -- from the sort of routine "more energy" and "sleep better" to truly remarkable gains.

The word "Kangen" is Japanese for "Return to Origin". Kangen Water is a trademarked name for the best alkaline ionized, anti-oxidant and micro-clustered water in the world.  

The human body needs to maintain balance between acidic and alkaline properties to properly process foods, make repairs and generally remain in proper balance.  By consuming the alkaline ionized Kangen water, a person may restore his or her body's proper pH balance.

In addition to containing natural anti-oxidants and being high in alkalinity, Kangen Water also has smaller water molecule clusters, which makes them more readily absorbed by the body.  Ordinary tap water or unprocessed bottled waters have larger water molecule clusters, which tend to pass through the body without reaching individual cells. Without proper re-hydration, these cells can suffer from a form of cellular dehydration and either die too soon or fail to function efficiently or properly.  Kangen Water has the ability to rehydrate these cells before they essentially degenerate and helps keep them healthy and working at optimal levels.

FREE SAMPLES! If you live in my area I will provide you with Kangen water for free so that you can test it. Give it a scientific test! Nearly everyone I give water to experiences benefits -- and many are life changing!


Warm regards,

Dennis Schliewe

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11777 Foothill Blvd Ste A16
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342

818-896-3180 info@give-happiness.com

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